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Community Wealth Building Center

First Floor - Level 01

My DTC Catalog™

Personalized Print Power

Home of My DTC Catalog™
PersonalizedNewspaper.com, Inc. Home of My DTC Catalog
Located on the 1st floor lies PersonalizedNewspaper.com, Inc., housing advanced printing equipment including industrial presses and finishing systems.

This minority-owned startup founded by industry veteran Danté Hamilton provides a platform for direct-to-consumer brands to design and print fully customizable marketing catalogs tailored to each customer.
My DTC Catalog Logo
By integrating website data to personalize messaging, MyDTCCatalog.com enables companies to cut through digital noise and forge genuine connections with print.

At IWN.Haus, MyDTCCatalog.com leverages emerging technologies to equip businesses with the tools to grow using targeted print strategies proven to drive real results. Discover the potential of print.
MyDTCCatalog.com Level 01 (02) IWN.Haus Floor Plans - Go.IWN.Haus
Internet Webpages Newspaper, Inc. 25 Years In Business
© Copyright 2023 Internet Webpages Newspaper, Inc. All rights reserved. EST. 1998

Architectural Design, Website & Metaverse 3D by OACWebitects (Nigeria)

In association with PersonalizedNewspaper.com, Inc.
IWN.Haus Building Concept by Edmund Dantés Hamilton